I stand on this divide between two worlds It's a narrow path, a little shaky, easily swayed by the wind
Sometimes the path becomes too small, sometimes it gets too big Either way I fall into my worlds, be it choice or not
These worlds I wish were my own
One filled with sunflowers in a magenta sky Filled with dreams I call mine Love in the air Happiness in my eyes I could sleep in this world For the rest of my life
One a deep blue ocean in the sky Filled with my life It's wind grasping my heart And opening my eyes Clarity in the air And the sun on the horizon
I can fall into these worlds, but I need to get out, because I'm not meant to be in one for too long
So I fall again, in the opposite direction, hoping to miss the divide by an inch, but my back hits it with a thud
I'm tired but I look up not towards the worlds but inwards A mix of blue and pink lay inside