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Mar 2021
Answer love, just once; was I enough?
And if your answerโ€™s no, then let me fall.
My love, it may abound but broken at that sound,
At last, a deep reprieve; my heart will crawl.

Still woken from my sleep, I find your soul.
Haunting, sweet; my weeps are wanting more.
For memories abound, just let my heart reach out,
And touch what once was yet now is gone.

My love, your stare again has turned aloof.
Your smileโ€™s surely missing, you ask for proof?
Idyllic heart, we once wore upon our sleeve,
Has shattered; million pieces, that I alone am left to weave.

For this, I know and this alone, though time may pass and hurt may grow;
Forever and always to me, you are, still very lovable.
Wrote this June 2020
Matthew Orellana
Written by
Matthew Orellana  17/M/NY, NY
(17/M/NY, NY)   
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