Old friends, carried me away from my place of learning to a place where my heart no longer yearning burned with levity as I twirled elegantly cheering and flying in the realm of dreams
As I was safe from stress, my mind melted aside from prying eyes; internal resurgence peripherally projected viewing sanguine symphonies in third person
To wake in teeming shrouds of dark where light denied my cries back home, alone
- I made my way, from heights to lowest lows, between, seeing the clock strike “1” not “1:00” -
I hovered down the stairs floating on air and found myself sheltered in the deepest crevice nuzzled against earthen aura still ensconced in sable shrouds but not alone
Cuddling with innocent love I drifted off to sleep to wake again and find myself alive in a place where reality applied and wonder how and why I could not see the tapestry of dreams when I could fly