the famed recluse suddenly opens the shutter just to peek out at the world stinking of bleach you’d better have a sharp nose if you are blind if you can’t distinguish between black and white your only crutch is filling up your stomach to get some warmth at least deep down inside
the illusion of life sighted are those who crack its invisible meaning they hit the target even though they might not really mean it (so) trigger-happy never batting an eyelid never thinking twice
the blind ones touch anything smelling nice always reaching out for some sense do you need to keep rolling the dice (blind)? in the end you are doomed to choke with carbon monoxide don’t take offense where is your mind? gentleman it’s high time for you to decide
started in the midst of lockdown, was trying to reflect on the current situation. left it at that, unable to finish the way I'd like. the words best fit for the ending found me almost a year later