People poison have been poisoning your mind since you were born. schools say they will work with your childs creativity, probably the biggest lie ive ever heard they teach you how you're "suppose" to act. there is no proper way of acting, we are meant to be ourselves.
they brain wash us then they poison us with all this false hope they make things that shorten your life span hoping you wont catch on.
notice that *** and anything that helps with creativity and allows your mind to grow are illegal, though tobacco and alcohol are legal even though they **** you and brain cells.
they're dumbing us down, not letting us think for ourselves
but I am a free mind I fill my lungs with poison I drown my liver with liquor why, why not life will be over someday I may aswell get wasted and just watch the days pass while I hav the time of my life. using these poisons although dumb, they can be used to put me at peace with everything slowly Death.