What kind of a sorry ******* would want to live like that? wants to be tied down from the age of 26 Looks forward to no spare time, and an empty pocket book Becoming a secondary character in their own paperback story All too meaningful fights over nothing Searching for other affections as the years drag Filling potholes with any kind of quickcrete complements Sleeping on the couch and eating cold meals, mostly cereal Finding comfort in old tv re-runs and ******* And you’ll live out the rest of your days Finding that Sickness Unto Death Buried with your relatives Packed into fresh dirt
There was a comfort, all encompassing, although short lived Having a being, sharing with a being Not just the redeeming, pretty, thoughtful, and joyful person you are But also the grime, the filth, the disgusting and the putrid sides of you And despite all you will do They will wholly accept you.
Now what kind of a sorry ******* wouldn’t want to live like that?
It’s a shame we killed off those skeletons, I’m sure we would have found good use in them