A plant Ripped out of the Earth Dirt falls as roots dangle Reaching down Grasping for the ground The nutrients… How long can I survive like this? I’ve been resilient to weather To the tread of feet But how can I continue on So… ungrounded?
Need. My. Mother. Back
Where I’ll be replanted I don’t know But it won’t be anyone else’s garden bed But my own Where I have the most room to grow Deep and wide into the Earth, I’ll go And gaze upward to the Sky Opening up to the Sun Rays and Rain
Fire, Water Earth, Air Roots. Heart. Crown.
I once was a seedling But there’s a flower waiting To emerge from my flesh As the light consumes the dark And as they become one I Become One with Myself My strength flows in my Soul-Veins And this is what sustains Every. Single. Cell Inside my physical body