What if the doubts swallow me whole because this is all I have ever known? The darkness all around, not even the slightest sound, but my heart beats like ocean waves leaving me to tire, begging me to drown.
They’ve made my chest feel heavy for hours, for days, for weeks, sleep reeks of tears suppressed, sheets a mess, a failure at best— no rest.
No rest ever not even within the cushions of my mind. They whisper my happiest thoughts only to douse them in day old wine, lighting the matches, tearing the seams, my faded dreams sprawled all over the hardwood floor.
What if my trauma laughs? Because I dared to challenge it within the cages it built, filling my mouth with all the words I never had the guts to spill, onto pages dripping with nothing but guilt.
When will my trauma leave? When all is said? When all is done? When life is lost? Just tell me when and where to run because I am tired of fighting a war my anxious mind signed me up for.