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Feb 2021
Your name sounds like a poem in spring
I love to write poems

spring always smells sweet
As the snow slowly melts
As birds start to sing again
Your name carves the beauty of blooming

land me your name to adorn
I promise it will be a lovely poem as this spring comes

Clouds pile up around a luminous Sun
The light bestows plenty of soft warmth
Touching everybody’s laugh
Desiccating everybody’s tears

Your name is formed by two words
Six syllables and hundreds meaning

I know spring will never stand forever
Autumn and winter is just a time
Even if your name is a poem in spring
That has been carved in everybody’s heart

I said, land me your name, land me a poem
To complete flowers to bloom

Now, you can leave with a smile
Without being worry to fade away
Every lovely poem is hard to forget
We will meet next spring, I promise

Your name resembles stanzas in a spring song
Wind in that flower hill rings your name along
Sayonara Itou.
Written by
Rahameem  27/F/Indonesia
   Bogdan Dragos
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