Imagine if ye will earlier one blustery February sixteenth two thousand twenty one, yours truly experienced atypical thrill perusing pages of heavily laden word book marking where I leave off reading courtesy no frills inked quill (sold to yours truly courtesy original big bird on his deathbed)
plus jotting down page number so mundane effort to marry me interest with me lingua franca (English language) neither void nor nill aforementioned laborious literary task persevered despite forgoing eating and sleeping might **** (reading every last word)
hoop ping diligence improves vocabulary makingΒ me maxillary stronger no matter chronological years considered smidgen whipping over third scored Sam Hill Earth orbitz around nearest star traveling at (pun one mach two)
warp speed amidst escadrille whereby accompanying aircraft eventually zooms into Brazil housing disproportionate Amazon rainforest biome encompassing 6.7 million square kilometers and shared by eight countries.
Even before (the square root of 3844) years ago exiting the womb Logophile mine self anointed nom figuratively feathery de plume no matter mine cranium ready to explode ka-boom I continue to parlay mental energy
like some garden variety harum scarum and jam additional minutiae (at thee expense not preserving sanity) despite very limited (maximum) headroom to decrease hydranencephaly the whole hare brain scheme rigged up with shunted (think chutes and ladders) flume.
One definite lament until death doth do me proud constitutes deficient intelligence genetically (father) endowed imbibing cerebral thirst for knowledge constitutes the lack of photographic memory nsync with fifty plus shades of gray matter ofttimes smoldering like dark storm cloud to retain information I read aloud.
Quite an exciting (seat of pants) life I did asseverate less to impress any anonymous reader, whose interest I did pique and captivate versus (verses crafted) more so to delineate quirky passion (couched as poetic endeavor) inexplicable how to formulate though no justification be given hoop fully only kudos to generate.