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Feb 2021
Once upon a midnight clear,
Brightly lit by the blood moons light,
I set out on a journey long and far,
To see the Witchdoctor,
Hoping he could cure what pains me,
Conjure up a potion or a brew,
Strong enough to bring back my love so true.
You see, I once thought I had it all,
That I would forever hold it dear,
That I could eternally keep his heart,
I believed I could capture his eye to never wander,
I assumed if I held him close with all my might,
He could never slip away from me,
He would never want to go.
But here I am in the forest,
Pathed paved with great roads ahead of me,
Heavy heart in my hands,
Broken spirit in my bones,
Crushed spirit and clipped wings,
Life in shambles without a drop of glue,
Holding me together, fall apart I shall.
Without my rock to hold me steady,
Without my other half to make me whole,
Oh please tell me do you know where I can find,
This medicine man they speak of,
Who can mend a broken heart,
Who can put my life back together the way it once has been?
My legs are weary,
My soul is tired,
My faith is wavering,
My spirit is broken,
My feelings crushed,
Please say you can help me find the source of which I speak?
So maybe his voodoo magic can conspire,.
Perhaps he can whip up a time machine,
To fix words before they are spoken,
Mistakes before they are made,
Understandings be found before they are misunderstood,
Catch hearts before they hit the floor and are broken beyond remedy,
Hold together a beautiful bond before it is undeniably divided.
My journey is coming to a close,
His cave is but a stones cast away,
Pray he can aide me in my quest,
I am desperate and at his mercy I am,
I need someone's assistance and support,
It must be immediate and right away,
I have not a moment to spare.
For each second that passes is gone forever,
I may never get another opportunity to make amends,
Another moment I must suffer without my sweetheart's embrace,
I cannot bear another day suffering from a broken heart,
Let him wave his magic wand or say his voodoo chant,
I’ll drink whatever potion he concocts or conjures up,
If it will bring my misery and agony to an end.
Please Mr. Witchdoctor I beg of you,
Work your voodoo magic you do so well,
Place a spell or hex on me whatever it is you do,
Say your magic words, do your sacred dance,
Bring my beloved sweetheart back,
Let me forever be near,
Let him be eternally happy even if it is not with me.
Written by
Aj Thomas
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