He saw her and her wild heart And thought to tame it like a beast But she was just a free spirit dancing Above the waters and the fallen leaves
To tame her would take away her magic Her enchanting movements would begin to cease For everything he fell in love with Would be everything he nor her could keep
Like a butterfly with her wings pinned down Was like a mouth that could not feed His promises was full of lovesick bounds Served him more than he could foresee
For he yearned to keep her in a glass house To forever contain that natural beauty Under the finest glass positioned on the wall Under the premise that it was for her safety
He could not see the forest as her home He could not fathom her need to be free To live under a limitless sky And tread on a never-ending stream
So she hides behind the branches And fades away gracefully unseen For he fell in love with a fairytale myth He only loved what could have been
fairytale forest nymph nature love myth free promise