PEN PALS I flip the pages of old letters Across a dark ocean Paper yellows, black ink pen fades Words a blur, like the fog that hovers Memories endure
She lives massive waves away Fresh letters are crisp exuberant, adventure, secrets Just between us, in the clouds that pass us by Mail is sluggish, boats ply rough waters I await, my heart flutters, as an envelope Flings through the mail slot I slash it apart, pieces fly in the slight breeze Impatience to read, her news is like the sun’s reflection on the sea Her new boyfriend, budding romance, sensual stars New spring clothes, picnics in the freshly cut green grass
I reply forthwith, though my words, are slack and drab A glass half empty, all the same routine As seasons come and go, naught of change I compose words made from dreams and moonbeams So, it will ensure our constant write
The last letter appears My intuition bespeaks of evil tidings She has taken ill Scribble words in the main, blur to my eyes I surrender a slice of my soul Yet keepsakes survive