i don't want to be that girl, the girl that everyone speaks to, but no one really likes. the girl who says she's happy when everyone knows she not. I don't want to be the girl everyone smiles at, yet the moment she turns around their whispers stab. i don't want to be “that girl” the one everyone claims to know but doesn't know her middle name. that girl that works so hard to make everyone like her but only ends up making a fool of herself. because i shouldn’t be that girl. I’m The girl. The girl people look up to the girl people love to be around the girl that can light up a room with just one smile the one that works her back end off for what she wants the one who will stand for what she believes in. i want to be the girl who turns the world upside down the one you can't forget the one that no matter what happens will leave her mark on the world.