how many days until the end for my love with you there will be no end when I feel sour momentarily I always feel sweet with thoughts of you good ones the bad ones are like a pain venereal disease when I think about us dancing in the kitchen remember that lock it up safe throw away the key keep me there my body is yours when we sleep I don't want to wake noses touching staring into your eyes these glass mirrors reflect myself in a still glaze relieved of the world that's how I feel carelessly numb regaining your strength from my own lost in weakness you disarm me today we love tomorrow's war can wait dreading the day waking without you how much I would have lost withered fragile missing my purpose loving you a stolen gift means the same as giving yourself take sanctuary give up the barricade let me surrender me your blackbird waiting for you lie next to me touching hands looking at the ceiling this is everything i've learnt peace in him and in myself tell me enough i'll believe it when you ask me if I love you I say yes ask me if I'm happy know me like I know you catch me i'm falling fast let go the knife in your hand let go the gun in my own we hold these not for ourselves for each other.