A sickly-sweet sea of brown tea, and soft caramel treats were placed before me in my candied dreams.
A dark pool of oil slick black goo inched ever closer smelling ever grosser,
As ninja turtles hopped over hurdles, and captian Kirk acted like a ****, in the final frontier a spot where I thought it would be clear that we could be better.
My body was bruised as browns spots oozed blood and ****, but someone chased me, so I pushed softly and walls became doors to a restaurant I used to work at. I was actually late for my shift, and I had already missed my favorite college classes.
My car was invisible as I drove in it, and when I woke from my nap of merely one minute it was gone.
Senseless, I watched this all from different angles. If this was supposed some sort of story it was incoherent, and I couldn’t rearrange it into a workable plot.