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Jul 2010
& what are you?
                         you; are

                      naked saturday
sweaty hills neatly on your
skin. thou art:

        the rain

damply kissing a thousand times
my neck. you are the supple stocks

         the roots               ;                  the petals

you are a fountain of stunning music lashing
crimson fists on my and you are a flock
of                            muscles            rightly.


you are the splinter of *** in a nocturne moon plated
demurely akimbo. you are thee. you are the
contraction of my fibers in the ecstasy of
                                     lips) the crescent of heaven
and you are
. fragility of life in a manifesto of pleasure.
                        are you are the lucid abstraction of
beauty. aphrodite Fleshed in the sinew of reality. cambered in the
pasture    my hands.
      you                             are

arE.             m



PK Wakefield
Written by
PK Wakefield
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