this could be for certain... why do I trust myself to let go? when hands slip from casey iron rungs a children's playground above a deeper craggy crevice than Kilimanjaro is high where loneliness and death is the only sound do I trust parted wrenched fingers? when the truth below- earth is so glad to accept newly fallen extra rich mulch eager sin and egalitarian strain That my faith sees body, limbs, whole being- disappear before it hits the obtrusive carbon settled zenith tripped up before it's being- a black hole dry the fugue derision of soiled sluff emersions quippe wasted by envisioned acoustics lest awaiting impact by evil was foreseen and though I take my final cause of paths alight of principle the evergreen turnstile supplicant demon eliciting pounding pain by the ducts of each wave of thought I am become DEMONSTREIN