every time i walk up to the Thames at Coldharbour... and i meet this aghast consummate volume of murk, water...
every time i walk up to the Thames: that's the "thing" with walking... there's so much "there"...
the snail's-apprentice...
every time i walk up to the Thames at Coldharbour... i have this... wild sparkle leftover in my eye greasing me up for more...
every time i walk up to the Thames at Coldharbour past the Rainham village via the traintracks via the marshes...
i get this wild idea of... taking my clothes off... stripping bare: to a minimum of agitated limbs... & goosebumps... and swimming to the south-shore...
every time i write something in english... i want to make an emphasis in deutsche...
verrücktluft: air pre an embodiment of mond...
Einrich von stubble und ein fünf eine fünf tongue-breaking (zungebrechen) von die vierte ***** etc. a pause with: a(n) applause, case, to... boot...
halving: what's for the ******? i have to Atlas pose what's to be inherited from the 20th century because: at that sort of short-lived prior to a nadir...
no, no there's no entertaining closures of this 'ort... phlegm and proverbs cosmopolitan... jews jews everywhere... but not an Israeli to fathom a bothersome "it" with...
perfected Danzig cosmopolitan jeder-deutsche for: kichert... life along the aorta: this "sacred" city...
by CH an X is implied... halving a caron: because pronoun ich... could be... isch... dogs are barking it's past 2am and... whipping... lashing... Zeros X come CH Xaron etc. Blah Babble a Loan...
every time i walk up to the Thames at Coldharbour... i think about taking off my clothes and swimming across this grandiosity of... it's beside me pretending it's the Vistula... an artery of a nation...
London alone... to the south-shore... a wild idea... by tomorrow... it's long long past "gone".