Of all the scars Amassed from misadventures many Beside the ones I'm proud to have survived And the ones I've humbly taken a lesson from There is one scar I can't bear to see A small scratch of a scar But it's being so mild that drives me crazy.
This scar was created By separation from someone Who I once tried to be one with Yet it is not the fact they left That covers my taste buds in bitterness when I recall But the fact that they only left
It's a small scar And should've disappeared by now But I can't keep myself From reopening it to keep the pain fresh In hopes that feeling some small pain Over and over May someday satisfy my desire to be punished
They left me with this scar But I left them with many more The deepest kind that comes from trusting From believing in me Before I believed in myself And I betrayed this trust This belief
Not once. Not twice. I left you with three deep cuts.
In moments of apathy I lost sight of what you meant to me I lost sight of everything And with the will to live resigned I told myself you deserved better As if I had any say A naive ******* and a child.
I hid behind these excuses Believing I was a victim of my sickness To deny responsibility And whether because of exhaustion Or some small part of you that still believed I was granted a pardon You would only leave and nothing more
But now that I've chosen to shoulder the blame I deserve I'm sick to see this small scar is all I have For all I've done to you But maybe the punishment I want now Is not the one I deserve. Maybe this is justice To ever so slowly burn.