I was 13 years old One month and one day away from 14. It was January 20, 2017. I sat one seat to the right of center stage center for the show in my social studies class My teacher sat on the left sitting on a corner of her desk We all looked up to the right towards the TV I could see the tears in my teacher's eyes I could feel them in mine. That year we had learned about George Washington, Alexander Hamilton The Revolution And somewhere, in that 13, almost 14, year old belly, a revolution was stirring and I became the opinionated girl in school no one could shut me up I am 17 One month and one day away from 18 I watched today, exactly four years later Exactly 2 weeks after an attempted coup Exactly 1 week after a second impeachment tears welled in my eyes for another reason the end of an era, the beginning of a new one, The US Capitol getting it's color back people seemed to breathe for the first time in 4 years I watched in awe and what a relief it will be to wake up tomorrow in a brighter country. knowing that democracy won and that 13- almost 14- year old me, would be beaming
the inauguration of donald trump vs the inauguration of joe biden