like a "sickness" in the stomach *** 7am after only going to bed at 2(am) - and not from any considerable mention / allusion to a "lack of sleep"; in that "sickness" is more or less akin to a metaphor of a centipede wriggling about on a hamster wheel / a rollercoaster of sorts...
tough-chew of a fiddling with imitation walking... prized pins in the feet that have turned to custard-hardening numbness... immediately a towing of verbiage seems more apparent than ever... perhaps an interlude of
'and here's one i prepared earlier'...
besides: no one really wants to write something maxim esque every other sentence: feeding a readership of exasperation and sighs - from what i've heard writing maxims and / or aphorisms can be a rather tedious undertaking - for all the times that: when should be forgotten / 'suppose i dreamt it?' - and any other offer than can come with: working out a best lived towards the amnesiac astral domain...
it just came out of a deep need for perhaps conversation - then again i am too tired - a tiredness that probably sounds better if i push for some eloquence and technicality - a miasma is too strong a word - i'm trying to focus on ancient "things" - a chimera variation of a turtle - a talking sequoia (but an oak would do just as well) and a jellyfish... from centuries old... lethargy... with this living: a tryst a harangue a search for catharsis - if need be for a mystery: loitering on the promise of - by the gallows on a Sunday - in a year were all such days could be: literally read as being borrowed from the benevolence of that monstrous UV bulb; and her copperskinned serpent monstrosities of trickle a tease of skin's to sizzle: undertones of thrashing water against a window in the ear reach(ing) a pitch higher... //
towing too much space: nudging forward a shy rubric - an omni- litany (by any other prefix, squalor) between a noun like shy and an adjective shyness - formality: a word genus out of identifying it as such - a technicality of teaching / learning this (a) language...
- but it dawns on me that i have perhaps eroded too much of origin and thought and perhaps even an originality via the cameo cinema of memory (fickle creature), but it also dawns on me that perhaps 10 years apart (circa
) is enough "time" / the same sort of space that would allow a rereading of a work that's either Herr Watt (ha ah ha) or a Thin Geon Anne's Wake - for what use to i have for any more of that democratic endeavour - if only to reprise upon: from the catacombs, the labyrinth, the ancient library, the depth of sea upon sea of paragraph-congesting a drawing-up a coming up for air akin to (verbatim)
- ****, Nick & the Naggies / Glugg & the 3 riddles - Chuff etc. -
in the house of breathings lies the word, all fairness. the walls are of rubinen and the glittergates of elfinbone. the roof hereof is of massicious jasper and a canopy of Tyrian awning rises and still descends to it. a grape cluster of lights hangs therebeneath and al the house is filled with the breathings of her fairness, the fairness of fondance and the fairness of milk and rhubarb and the fairness of roasted meats and uniomargrits and the fairness of promise with catatonia and avowals...
that from out of nowhere and for reason other than: in order to write proper & "proper": tossing and fidgeting the little oystertongue like imitation(?) i.e. forget conversational standards of languid, lingo, linguine - in a frock of half down and in a tuxedo of half up for none of this could possibly make it into: it's a Thursday morning by now all the newspapers have, have been printed... perhaps i'll tender a pause to imply: pounce-stealthily-hidden in wait: trainspotting & *****-tickling itch-not-itchy...
now that would be a-happening of sorts: beside all the bog-****-sodden autobiographical miasma and fog... beside all the fog-coup-nudging shadow with elbow and prayer to a nuke-UV-bulb... a heart a sparrow a ribcage: when farting into the wind when throwing a stick against a tree in a forest - when the unbelievably corrupt sense of self is content, pure, by pure i'm only aiming at: uninterrupted - or... without a conjunction like and...
that's before: that's a before veering toward: image - begin, again: a chandelier made from champagne flutes... on a side: i can stomach divulging and bulging in shackles and monkey's cackling imitation giggles - some existential angst (although not something grandiose as a 20th century sort or "European" / 19th century precursor)
on the periphery of some "now" (a variation of when, what if - how, what?) such that it is a beautiful lie: this life... and my newly found estimation of revising esteem for: not wriggling in worm-food and silly-ink: a medium of tedium of being taken seriously (even if as a "reverse psychology" reversal of joke)
a puncture a wound that "word-thing" compilation of: well beside something as interesting as: it's an essay by a lucy ives and it's an essay but for me it's more a shortcut a footnote parade for my own:
would it ever (at all) be better to cure an itch by a pinch or in(deed) by a scratch... gravestones and heads of matches: possibly very itchy specimens it's not hard to imagine ******* on a pebble: no, not imagining it to be a toffee (landrynek)
but honest to god and all that's Port & Geese (Frugal, Portent - i forgot the attached -al in s.p.e.l.l.i.n.g) i have nothing equivalent to: beba babe caco (clot)... in my own in nomine patris since: what is much dissimilar besides... "******": baba implies old woman / peasant woman / or woman as harangue (of sorts)... even though babka = a sort of cake (elevated sponge, elevation = more bite to it)... then comes the suffixation of the diminutive (adjective) to the word... babeczka, babusia... babcia (grandmother): no language policing here or alt. wizardry / frothing at the "salad" i.e. concretely (in conc.) a D. Pignatari ref.
but for me: unless not congested (at least like so) then latin is: loophole it see-through it's almost flimsy it's barely visual: why-because-it's-so-******-pragmatic & why-because-it's-so-utensil-where-none-required & economically sound & sieve & water & thirst & it's hardly an M like Ⰿ or Ⱄ as S let alone an I (pronoun) i.e. not vowel(,) which is a syllable compound of Ⱑ (let alone Я) - perhaps via some distinction between vowel and pronoun and aye i.e. yes... i̊ must say if the pronoun is so bothersome and more: cut the head elsewhere sınce ıt's there by no real dıstınctıon when compared to får when compared to fát... unless that dıstınctıon be made: also elsewhere - ȷust like so (Jettıson Bothersome & Blues) unless: bothersome camouflage like a broccoli in a sea of cauliflower akin to ınınınınınınınınınınınınınınınınınınının nnnnnnnnnnnnnınnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn when "oops" and Bob's your uncle i.e. ınınınınınınınınınıninınınınınınının
...never mind - i've been here before but for the sake of convention (ctrl-c-ctrl-p) as clear as day: i̊ might add... because it would not (otherwise) in any other way not suit me - thrice up ¡¡¡ thrice down !!!
all in all: a leisure of an exercise in... terms of waiting for such pennies of a wording to drool off a muse's heavenly gob.