Stop making death threats and start making promises. Otherwise, you'll uselessly get our hopes up.
And if the threats continue, you'll find yourself with:
-A broken arm, -Slit wrists, -A sack of dead cells of a brain
for how many times you'll be forced to make good on those threats. By slamming your arm shut in a door frame, taking a blade to your wrist, and banging your head against a wall, There is no end to the threat list. Because neither one of them creates an end to you.
But there is an end to the promise list, and it ends with the first decision you have the guts to make toward a promise.
-Shoot yourself, -Throw yourself in front of a train, -Inhale ammonia and bleach -Stab yourself repeatedly with a knife, -Jump from a buildin...
See, I told you this list would end. And it didn't take long...