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Jan 2021
I did not agree with
or act in a way to be complicit
with the actions of indecency committed
by my society.
I just feel there should be some sort of apology,
some sort of acknowledgment of this insanity.

All I can say is, I'm sorry truly and deeply.
I am saddened and maddened by what has happened.
I am sorry not for my inactions or actions in this
but for the mere existence of it,
for that which others will not admit
of the crimes that our forefathers did commit.
Even if we did not witness the horribleness,
we can still feel ill and accept the fact that
there should be a certain level of grief and compassion,
passed among this supposed bastion
of evolved human beings.
Written by
Graff1980  43/M/Springfield Illinois
(43/M/Springfield Illinois)   
     --- and Graff1980
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