last I checked it was 3 06 AM the foggy window displayed scene to a rainy night of a small town near the city of Chicago your dim apartment filled sweetly with vanilla lavender aroma and the delicate croon of Billie Holiday transcended from the living-room phonograph a blue tin coffee *** pictorially placed upon faint orange flames overdue library books and half-written notepads stacked symmetrically within the oven of La Cornue Albertine ivory stove you sat me atop the wooden counter of your tiny marble kitchen and gently tucked at my stockings until they gracefully renounced to the tile patterned floor with your hands placed on either side of my thighs you gradually - - - kissed me softly on my knees
i am sort of currently in a drunken haze and rather immensely sleep deprived in other words, i am leaving this a rough draft because sometimes leaving things unfinished is a necessary thing to do . goodnight, you .