The future ******* Of this learning makes me sane in knowing That I will survive until I die
A journey that keeps progress in the sphere of confidence
I am finding out the secret I dig deeper
Use it’s presence Evolving over discernment Finding time doesn't exist
It is the mind That breaks the chains Of misconceptions
Peaceful living Makes no mistake And sees no visage as clear as the captive’s bed where he is crept up Confused at how he came to the realization
That this cannot be life when the next task leads you to insanity The break comes when you're focused on anything but the spiral
So I can save myself From the “disorder” as they call it
Life is a sacrifice It is not the imprisonment for what we do not choose
We are not to be fearful of freedom But in love with the entities, the opportunity, the open doors To that unique human being Who enters it Because we are.