Finding the way Sliding in and out of train cars Wondering what makes a life less like battle Fielding Towards the new absolute In an Outside Game
I’m glad to know In my imminent realization of the breakdown The departature is erudite
I won’t be going alone.
For the company I count on is more important
the passing of the months in time Becomes clarity in the innovative mind the closing of the bureaucratic disguise the fault of the common dime in a denominator that disappears in the forest swept away by the inadequacy of nature vs nurture
Unconcerned with the future
The decay of the personal and the collective
Morality is unquestioned these days the disintegration of the social fabric of cohesion the deterioration of the forces that be
The decline of innovative value from one’s drive to make the difference Is not always enough to survive That is the end of an age
The way to new health must paint the way to all things imaginable
We can learn how not to convince ourselves of something that is not real and train our brains to get really good at trusting our intuitive nature to bring in what suits us biologically and mentally on all layers, higher levels, in all ways.