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Static Heartbeats
Jan 2021
Intimacy Over Distance
It never ceases to amaze me,
How lucky I am to be living today,
All the things I take for granted,
That others in history never dreamed of.
Pale light floods through my window
The moon reflects your light
So I know that you're still shining
Even when out of sight
It's a small but beautiful thing
That something so far away
Unaware of my existence
Can make me feel that I'm okay
Now a light appears behind me
As I gaze at the moon out of my window
Someone just beginning their day
Is texting to say "hello"
I'm eager to respond
As I tap this small glass screen
As we talk a world away
I still feel heard and seen
It brings me some small joy
To imagine how they react
How their face too lights up
When the screen is no longer black
I rarely get to hear your voice
But I don't feel the need for mine to be heard
I still feel love in your messages
I see you between your words
It's hurts the brain to think about
It's heavy on the mind
From across our small blue planet
You can still say "you're mine"
I'm glad that we're alive today
With the chance that we've been given
To meet a beautiful soul from across the world
That reignites my love for living
I'll be waiting by the phone now
Until your name appears at the top
To see "I love you"
And "I'll never stop"
48 lines, 351 days left.
Written by
Static Heartbeats
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