I have come to far to throw this **** thing in reverse. It will not prolong my ride in a hearse. I would rather go forward scars and faults in tow. Then be tagged a back peddler on the biggest toe.
I am what and who I am said the song Neil sit stand in the pew of digital
Why can we not just embrace all we are. Regardless of the scars and failures in the mare.
I would rather go forward just as I am Let's just say I would never make it if I back worded again
There was justice in time always is cant escape So why not go forward the hardest stake
In a world full of COVID the op and the germ I seek nothing but solace in the turmoil of the ****
We can quote Socrates and Nostradamus Quatrain I would rather be told why that COVID is a strain?
WWIII the War of the Psyche I never seen this shirt made by NIKE
From God to a Muse to Satan himself We are all at a halt Like the Elf on the Shelf
From beliefs to color to the King of Cash and Currency Have we lost all diplomacy?
The poker dogs sit a fun game they play Hands full of cards more souls ....wouldn't you say?