Upon my tears I release my strife. The memories of you taste like ash it rotted and decayed long ago.
You promised me forever but brought me shattered dreams instead.
I lost your heart to your selfish muse, your in love with greed and dishonesty.
I was beaten down until I felt like I was nothing but an annoyance an unbearable itch that keeps burning.
But it wasn’t me, it was your sins that rules your kingdom of hateful lies you tell yourself.
You have no one to blame but yourself, yet still, still you cry wolf while wearing sheeps skin.
No one believes after the first lie, each time you speak to manipulate you push a wage in between, your a coward because you don’t have the guts to be honest and change your behavior.
I have worked hard to be strong enough to not blame myself for the abuse you threw at me.
I am a good person, I am a kind smart and unique human being.
I had to learn how to accept myself while you were lying telling me I am nuts and I should take medication that hurt me and I don’t need anymore.
If you are truly a good person you would have changed your behavior and show it.
If someone makes you feel horrible about yourself, you should get away from them. Its abusive to bully and hurt. It doesn't matter why someone abuses, it's not right. No one should allow it. Everyone deserves to be loved and feel secure. Forgiveness starts with forgiving yourself. It's healthy to be honest and kind. Reflect good and good will reflect on your life too. You should talk about your issues instead of reflecting hate and ugliness. It's no one's responsibility to make you happy. Happiness is personal.