Two hearts once collided, hitting walls along the way, beating passion drumming away.
Boom! Boom! Pow! Love crashed upon the shore, moved like a giant wave shoving anything in its way.
As the wave drew back to its sea, it dragged debra and trash, it left scar’s upon the land.
Love can be fragile and beautiful, it can break things or make you stronger.
Love can hurt, because its a mess of emotions all in one place, the heart is like a cage.
To love is brave, to be loved is a want a desire to be accepted, we all crave its chaotic wave and crashes.
The shadows of its doom is always looming over our heads, like a theft in the night it slowly sneaks up behind you ready to collide with you in the deepest depths of our lives.
There’s always a boat waiting for you to take a trip upon the chaotic sea’s of a lovers wave.
Tides of passion grow as the seasons change, so does the direction of the waves.