drawing inspiration from across the street, nature's light is missing though it reflects most gloom-full days, and i am my happiest I miss friendship touching on my shoulder tapping for my attention Reminding me of my foolishness
We can't breathe the same air anymore without worry Even though we use to share it Strangers and what would be foes a breath now drawn is a breath untold
I saw blood stain concrete today On the day of the last Trebek I was triggered and now i'm here drunkenly writing this garbage
The capitol was stormed this week By a hurricane of fools Can we blame them? Only a symptom The disease is you
I miss my friends so much mostly in my twenties aimlessly waiting walking talking and then laughing about it
what a time we had now i'm bounded by four walls and a paycheck lest not forget the rolling chair I'm still young and dumb just a different type of fool
Back to Trebek Hey George - I'm sorry i didn't make it to your funeral Your son tried to kiss me in my sleep and it broke our friendship Thank you for the knowledge
I miss the days where i watched you smoke over that ledge so carelessly and free telling stories of what your life use to be flipping your scratch off coin
Little did i know you were clawing for survival hoping to win yourself a marvel a surprise everyday before seven pm