O give us Homes With father's who are loving Where love has a mansion, and everyone is caring Where communication breeds And our fathers dont have greed
O give us Homes With children who are obedient Where fathers give each child a respect that's not transient Where love is stronger than our selfish gain When husbands learn to love their wives, when in pain
O give us Homes Where laughter is a King Not a frowned face cooked in a strange boiling ring Where understanding has a room in every heart Not where, fathers don't even want to consider their children's heart
O give us Homes With obedient husbands Not a heartache to the wife's soft sand Where love drives fathers to look for a good job Not where laziness, rules the man, and he's not angry at its mob
O give us Homes Where judges won't settle matters Where love would keep us together, and nothing else would scatter Where the husband respects the wife, and vice versa Where the Holy Spirit dwells, and the absence of the wife, makes the man miss her