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Jul 2013
literally meaning "A godlike state of being"

So when it is questioned,
           where is your divinity?
All that needs to be remembered is that we are god like,
     we were made from the bones of the Earth
        and became the protectors of this domain.
  not that we've done the best at protecting it up till now
We were born within divinity,
       and the only time the God Light stops shining upon us
                 is when we forget how divine We really are.
            And it never really stops shining,
      we just turn our faces to the darkness.
Divine is taking two parts of the whole and joining them together at last.
                the Divine Male and the Divine Female,
                       have we all just assumed that they use this word for the funsies?
Togeather the two halves make the whole of our beings,
             creating the 'godlike' selves incarnated upon the physical plane.
For when we are within the in between,
           we can freely choose the *** of the next body,
                 meaning that we are sexless entities,
                       with that balance within our souls
                           that fill us with the life force of the Gods!
                        We are free to sway to and frow
                  within this omnipresent universe,
            but are still capable of taking form,
     and polarizing to one *** or the other.
Well, most of us that is ;D
     As long as no part of us is trapped within denial,
                          denial of the self,
                                       of the other,
                                            and of our own Divinity on this plane of being.
We must embrace the Mother within us,
     as well as the Father within us,
              and then we shall understand the Yin and the Yong,
                                                                  Black and White,
                                                         Space and Light.
We will be able to open the Space for the true Light to come through us,
              filling the Void that is the Mother.
                   beauty radiating and reflecting from our eyes into one anothers',
                                   and then we will understand love.
                    And we will finally be able to look into each others eyes,
                                   and see ourselves for the first time
On the subject of Divinity with Anubis the Philosomancer.
Written by
Anjelica  Grass Valley
(Grass Valley)   
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