I want to tell you so many things that I have known since before time unfolded I want to erase the lines between your ears where your face so perfectly fits I want to blur all boundaries until you are nothing but the idea I have of you I want to fall so hard into you that I forget everything I once knew to be true So I can relive the evolution of mankind with only you in mind So I can reinvent the wheel based on your sacred geometry And forge a universe from nothing but that which we can experience together
I want to be transparent so you can observe how you displace my organs And strew them across my body like constellations in the night sky I want to open my mind and pour it out onto the floor in hopes that you will join me Until we cannot discern who thought which feeling and who felt which thought And we will never bother to clean up our mess for all of eternity
You make me spill all about, but I strain to collect every last drop So I can hope to fill your cup to the brim And you can drink me until you see the bottom I want to seep into the cracks of your dilapidated and broken heart I want to show you that it is okay to be lonely
I have been alone since I found you
One of the first poems I wrote this year, collaborated with a friend on this one.