early morning and we will make it fast with the words and training awakened thought. of Heaven, of Hell, of destruction concerning elder proph- ecies and speculations on the existence of man for the past couple aeons. and prevalent forces flow through energetic lines of muscle mass, each a heart- string of the wholly vessel not yet turned carbon. and now we repeat of prior state- ment of I the Destroyer. consuming of the firmament so that the rest of the yeast is thrown into some Darwinian existence. (of which, I probably eviscerated actual meaning) consume, consume, and move onward towards a larger chunk of the firmament. and early mourning, early turning on of the greater light that is the electrical charge of this vessel's circadian rhythm. and moving on, moving back into self-reticence. and i give myself, i give myself alone. and please, oh please, destroy me of what i once was of a past life.