I know the waiting is unbearable at times. All that waiting can lead to a heart breaking. Every minute that goes by is another tiny crack in its shell. You start to develop hairline heart fractures that cause a pain in your chest. The uncertainty of the waiting is a burden carried by the soul.
I know the waiting is dreadful at times. All those lonely nights, one side of our beds always stays cold. Every day that goes by is another chain for your soul to bear. Your heart continues to ache as those fractures get deep and the chains get heavier.
I know the waiting is suffocating at times. All that weight crushing down on you and breathing seems like a foreign concept. Every month seems to put more miles between us than there actually is, we seem so close yet so far away and there seems to be no remedy in sight.
I know all this because my heart has those same fractures. My soul carries the same burden of heavy chains. I see our positions on the map slowly drifting. And it can keep drifting because the tie that tethers my heart to yours can stretch a 1000 times around a 1000 universes and never break. The bond is forever and always and unconditional and it will outlast the waiting.