So, are you okay with the way he spreads hate across these United states?
Do you mind how he divides, claims Nazis and pedophiles are good people, hires employees cause they are the best by far, but when they try to say anything against your president he completely disavows and demeans them?
Aren’t you bothered by the man who fathered corrupt clone sons and daughters who spew his stupid to while pocketing donations from charities?
Corruption, exploitation of the president’s office to make money at his golf course and hotels, scandal, after scandal, sexism, the paying off of a **** star but that is your right wing man of god, racism against immigrantscont. especially Mexican children when he puts them in places worse than our federal prisons, none of these actions ever touches him in your eyes?
It took me a long time realize that I can’t break through all the lies you want so badly to hold on to.
So, like your brain I’m gone to, done indulging an idiot, and it will take a lot for you to ever prove there is any good left in you.