If you search long enough, you will find it eventually. It just won't be where you thought it would.
Remember when your dad gave you an entire stalk of little white and yellow daisies to give to me; he said that I'll know what it means. I didn't understand. Now, I do. It means that he saw a ****, he saw it was beautiful, and knew that I would find it just as remarkable.
No one asks someone else to give them a stalk of flowers. If you have to ask for, or expect a gift, it is meaningless. The best gifts are always a surprise; just as the most precious life defining moments are always spontaneous occurrences.
One can study all they want. To learn the old secrets; the significance of something and/or what it means- One must learn to let the understanding of such endeavors- (if you are inclined to search for what you seek) -come to you.
Although, odds are you probably won't get smashed in the face by a foul ball unless you bought tickets to the game to begin with.
See big. See little. See both at the same time. What's in front of you and above and behind you and below. Outside and inside and the spaces in between.
Look past the trees and far into the forest. Can you also see the other side?
I climb trees. People study and meditate and trip for a lifetime to see this way.
I couldn't see the top. I climbed and I fell and I kept climbing giant unyielding branches becoming smaller and smaller by degrees as well as the security of feeling that the branch under my feet was holding me up at all. I knew eventually it would snap and all would crumble beneath me.
But, somehow, I did not fall again.
I made it relatively close to the top; to what I couldn't see before but knew was there.
And I opened my eyes and I saw the world from the most unusual perspective- like a newborn infant learning without trying observing all and I didn't know how to be afraid yet anymore.
I never meant to climb so high, to see over the tree tops, over the edge of the world- I was only very curious to know what was up there.
I saw it was all only ever a game.
So, I keep winding the music box listening to the same song looking upwards and watching the shapes go around and around and around noticing the black and the white and the gray all disintegrate and bloom into technicolor.