So I’m in this atrium like a cul-de-sac but it’s hospital rooms instead of houses and James lives in #3 on the end and he has CP or something he walks bowlegged and screams and yells instead of talking and he laughs at his own jokes and I wish I could understand what he’s trying to say cause I need a good laugh right now because its been a while and Nurse Jackie apologizes because he keeps coming over to look behind my curtain and he scared me at first but I smiled at him and he woulda smiled back if he could and then I started to understand some of the things he was saying and at 6 o’clock he reminds her it’s dinnertime and at 6:30 he wants ice cream but he didn’t eat all his green beans and it makes me smile and my life is ******* falling apart because I’m about to be admitted to a mental hospital and for a minute- all I can think about is that weird ******* clock on the wall that’s taunting me because the numbers are turned sideways along the edge of the circle and @4 and 10 the numbers flip and I notice that dude in room #2 kinda looks like my favorite ex and in that moment while waiting to be admitted to a mental hospital all I can think about is ******* that dude in room #2- and the obviously insane ******* person that would make such a God-forsaken ******* clock.