I am not a nice person I have little time for meaningless natters and tend to be grumpy and often I can be rude, and I'm not too fond of pomposity. I{m unfailingly friendly with people who have fallen on a hard time, there is a musician who came to Portugal he had A job playing the guitar at a restaurant than the pandemic struck and musicians were the first to go. He prefers to eat outside well aware people think he is a *****. He has like me have travelled much, and we have a lot to talk about I would not dream of giving money it would be offensive. My other new-found friend is a man who looks like a retired diplomat he had been to Sweden and Norway and was critical how Norway had become too reliant on oil at the expense of other industries such as shipping, fishery and farming He asked me one day for twenty cents I gave him 50 cents. No, he said I only need twenty to buy lactose-free milk. He is slightly eccentric but very learned. In the street where I live there are many new; rich people and as such, snobbish and often intolerable beings. But I have two friends, and it makes it interesting leaving the house even if it is for a short time during the day.