i extract poetry from your facebook chats and tenderness from your skype calls this: the compromise of a romantic heart in the face of modern ephemera since i cannot scale your balcony like i memorize your wall (o sweet o lovely wall thanks courteous wall) nor can i woo you or ****** you without google as my cyrano i worry for the endurance of a love without tree-carved initials and sigh over perceived corruption caused by emoticons over emotion though i’m sure if mr wilde could text or byron could bbm they’d not forego their lovers’ notice for the sake of pure romance they’d embrace any fleeting mention with disregard for rose colored glasses not moon over the glare of history’s glance they’d kiss them with x’s and serenade them with youtube and covet any moment not spent with them on their mind so my conflict is resolved and my star-crossed thoughts soothed when they caution most ominously that anything on the internet can never truly disappear.