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Jul 2013
You said you loved my bruises
That there was something beautiful about those purple and blue splotches against my porcelain skin
That my body looked like a water color painting

You said you loved my scar
As you would traced your fingers along it, up and down my chest and between my *******
Your fingers were so earnest
Like a teenage boy feeling the sway of a girls hips beneath him for the first time

You said you loved my stretch marks
That they were a beautiful addition against the backdrop of my curves
How the feel of them made you unable to quit,  as you ran your hands down my hips and kissed my lips

I just have one question for you
You loved my flaws, or so you said
But obviously your love is dead
So what did she have that I didn't? Was she more beautiful than I?
Tell me, please tell me, I promise I'll try not to cry
Claire E
Written by
Claire E
     Caitlin Lewis and Sir B
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