in the city visiting to take my mind off things
for a just little while, so i thought maybe taking a walk
would be enough to clear my head, on this day somehow
i took a wrong turn veering off the usual walkabout
it was early spring, with no coat still i felt confident
as i looked to recognize a landmark or two, i was
sweating bullets, soaking through my tee-shirt
as a little voice said stay calm, while i clearly was
not- crossing over into a state of panic, it was mid-day
with time on my side-still i could not figure out how
i had made such a mistake to lead me this far a stray
by now i had walked for quite a while, feeling parched
i wanted something to drink, so i looked around, the
neighborhood was typical, close together , lots of two stories
with front facing porches, i sat down at the nearest one
hoping no one would mind, within a minute, my breathing slowed
my pulse beat a little less hard, then from out of nowhere, stood
a person over me and i looked up, to see, they were dressed
in a white robe, diaphanous see- through, like a cloud, i blinked
then they called me by my first name, i thought: who can this be?
the voice was reassuring and put me at ease, they said you walk so fast you need to slow down, i asked why? because they said there is no rush you are already home- i was confused, my mind began to swim-while up ahead- i saw a commotion with lots of people gathered around milling about i stood up from where i was sitting, i decided to walk over there -i heard people say- he never saw the car - he must have been confused, to walk right in front of it, as i looked over i saw someone lying in the street who looked like me, as if i was sleeping but surely that cannot be as i was standing right here, and the people continued to walk right by me as if i was not even there, someone else said - such a shame he was not from around here, no one here recognizes him- soon i heard the sirens and the crowds started to stir then break a part a little more in order to let the officers in- they started asking questions
while, taking down notes, then i felt a soft tap on my shoulder, it
was the stranger asking me if i was ready, i began to feel calm, reassured as the surrounding voices waned, we turned around to walk back the way i had come, thinking i was lost, turns out i wasn't at all, and with each step i took, I felt myself, grow strong becoming more alive, if that was possible to feel ten or more years younger too
by Michael Perry