I need only one more dawn my dear boy There are things I've to say to you in mind Suddenly leaving without my knowledge No chances to comfort your last damage
All untold plans now burning to ashes Secured for life, avoid harmful splashes Now it's like built a castle in the cloud Though I've made my best for you to be proud
Thanks! telling me most of your emotions Forgive me! I haven't paid full attention You're so kind hiding that'll hurt my feelings I can't fill your wants: the last twelve seasons
Forgive you all, needless to say a word A boy, no more guilt than everyone does Talking in the absence of your presence Pain is creeping like cancer with penance
It's easy to say to get refuge in Buddha Dhamma In reality, I'm not a man with Pārāmi Ariā Must I find a way to live with full of inner peace Or come to you to protect and provide whatever you need?
To my late son Nanda Phyo Win who passed away on 1st Seotember 2020