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Dec 2020
I know you hate a liar more than a sinner
so here's a big ***** you

I'm ****** tired and angry
bare foot no shoes.....

thrown into a game?
born white pure then shamed

The one to save
made to destroy??

The red carpet i wanted ripped out from underneath m e
then a ***** watered curse placed upon my head!!

sold like a dog time and time again......

You always ask me this you know
if i wanna stay or wanna go

Do i hope they will change and see the bright
I try soooo hard to fight with all my might

Again nope they take the bait
sold like a spoiled fish okay....I will wait

You tell Meha it is okay
See to it no more this day

I bled before you in solid black
my heart hurts take it back

Michelle A Ford
Written by
Michelle A Ford  45/F/Upstate New York
(45/F/Upstate New York)   
   Bogdan Dragos
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