I am who I am I am not perfect But life is perfecting me I’m not Number one But I am the Only One The only me He who stands alone Much like the number one I do stand strong Much like the number one I am not Alone I am who I am Because I’ve never tried to be anyone else I’m many things Intelligent , an ******* , caring , strong I look back as I can’t right my wrongs Hell bent on breaking cycles much like King Kong I am A King And my crown is all my own Half black half colored I found balance within myself I own what I lack And that balance projected itself on my crown There may be many like it but this crown is all my own You can steal my image But it’s still mine alone So go imagine your own I’m not Number one But I am the only One Me Dtp Dom Tha poet You can jot it down but I wrote it So when you say it quote it This is nothing more than my affirmation So I say it with quotation “ I am The only one “ I’m Number one One of a kind Genuine I’ll let you in on something Authentic Create the best you that you can be someone truly unique Develop you own aesthetic And leave a mark completely majestic I am who I am I am not perfect But I am perfectly me I’m just a first edition The raw rendition Number one est. 11/26/93 Here I am I’m just Me One of a kind My mother had a set of 4 And I’m not number one but I’m number one 3 sisters and then there’s me The one There’s many of you of course there’s one of me