Dont buy that video, mum! I know its better than some But the movies you get just escape set, And look what our house has become
Theres Vampires hung up in the attic, And Aliens under my bed At the top of the stairs theres A Family of Bears And a bloke with a bolt through his head
A Mermaid moved in the bathroom A choir of Nuns in the hall And the littlest rooms now A Temple of Doom With Snakes sliding in through the wall
OH! im fed up with fighting for fruit-juice With a fridge full of Slimy Green Frogs, And i wont share my bed With a Tribe of Undead Nor clean up after loveable Dogs
Perhaps we get a new telly Theres some really secure ones about, And tough VCRs with Titanium Bars So the Creatures inside cant get out
So dont buy that video mum, Already my minds going numb Save your money For Chips or Chocloate Whips Then see what our house will become
This is a poem that was created by poet, Christain Ward this poem is about a boy/girl who had gotten afraif of his/hers sorrounding due to the horror movies hes/shes been watching.I hope you like it.