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Dec 2020
Why cant you be like everyone else
I said that has been taken

I know you sold your soul for me
I am here to  say your  sadly sorry to miss take it

Your riddles and weaves the spiders in the night
This pig you call Charolette  
Her fear she did ignite

In the land of the Heathen
You have thrown me full of  Fresh soul

Quite curiously I returned them
Redeemed and new as like before

You call me your gift and slander me quite quick
Then come to me with love and a very soiled heart

I am tired of cleaning up your messes
tearing the **** off your soul

Leave wed and captive
My warmth you have no more

Oh you will see it and see me enjoy
My fruits and tastes of my own happy ******* joy

I am self cleaning you never had to save

My first mistake was breathing and now i will to the grave

~~~~~~washed b4 the fall
Michelle A Ford
Written by
Michelle A Ford  45/F/Upstate New York
(45/F/Upstate New York)   
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