Have you seen the light of Him that shines brighter then the Aludra star of heaven's lair, and have you seen the rays that Veer towards you when you pray, my brother have you Ever known more peace then when you bow your head in prayer
Yoked to your heart He is your everlasting soulmate and your friend On the wings of faith you can soar towards Him night and day Unearth your fears and find the comfort that you need
Sacred Father, Abba, Patriarch and Archer of all that is good in you Every action of yours is guided by His Holy subservient angels Experience Him in your journey of love and know that you are Noteworthy of His protection. Sister of life on earth plant a seed
The creator will water it and make it grow like a rose in the dessert Hide it from the enemy let it prosper in His vineyard. You the Elect who is never left in the dark, is a child of the Beloved,
Love with all your heart as he has loved you, built an alter and Invite Him to your table dear friend, He is the candle that burns bright Goodness and peace will follow you if you make Him your confessor and your constant companion . Trust in Him who created you to His image, know you are loved.